Greeks cut forests to stay warm

来源: 作者:编辑 点击: 发布时间:2013-02-18 19:10:01


Greece's Mount Olympus is experiencing a rise in unauthorised logging.

It's estimated over 100,000 trees have been felled illegally.

With fuel prices soaring and temperatures dropping, many people are turning to wood to heat their homes.

Wood markets are thriving but not all sources of wood are legitimate.

Racketeers are among those who have been caught taking trees from the home of Greece's ancient gods.

Vocabulary 词汇:

logging 砍伐(名词)

felled 被砍倒

soaring 猛增

thriving 红火的,兴旺的

racketeers 通过非法活动谋取钱财的人



