Maldives looks to profit from the New Silk Road

来源: 作者:Ville Vuorensola 点击: 发布时间:2016-09-09 17:24:33

H.E. Mohammed Faisal, Ambassador of Maldives to Beijing

The island-nation of Maldives has a long history related to the ancient Silk Road. Hundreds of years ago the maritime Spice Route from the East to the West went through the area of modern-day Maldives. The islands were an important resting point for merchants and travelers.


The Maldives played another important role along the old maritime Spice Road. As a stopping point along this route, the seashells found in the Maldives islands worked as a common currency for the traders on the Indian Ocean. H.E. Faisal even mentions that such seashells were also found in China, in Yunnan Province.


Modern diplomatic relations between Maldives and the People’s Republic of China started in 1972. These relations were deepened during the 1980s through development partnership. Mr. Faisal tells that the Chinese helped in the first social housing project in Maldivian capital, Malé.


H.E. Faisal sees that this relationship has been further deepened after Chinese President Xi Jingping visited the Maldives in 2013. He says that “now it’s a golden period of the China-Maldives relationship”. This new relationship is well seen in the many investments China has made in Maldives, something Mr. Faisal doesn’t forget to mention.

“Right now as we speak, one of the biggest infrastructure development projects is going on the Maldives, the China-Maldives friendship bridge between the capital Malé and the airport. It is a bridge that is about two kilometres long. This bridge is being built with the generous assistance of the Chinese government.”


H.E. Faisal explaining his opinions on the One Belt, One Road initiative

Regarding the One Belt, One Road initiative of China, H.E. Faisal is very favourable. The initiative would not only bring more trade to Maldives, but also more connectivity and tourism. Already now China forms the biggest tourist market for the island-nation.

Mr. Faisal hopes that the One Belt, One Road initiative would promote more cooperation between countries. This would also create more economic opportunities to the countries taking part in the initiative. This is also one of the reasons why Maldives became one of the first partners with China regarding the One Belt, One Road.

“I think in the 21st century we need new ways of thinking for how we can bring nations together, how we can bring economies together. Of course globalization is doing great things, but we need to find new ways where economic development can be mutually benefice.”

The international community is facing many challenges, but one that especially threatens Maldives is global warming. As Maldives is an island-nation, it is especially in danger. If there is any substantial rise in the sea-waters, the Maldives will be gone. Mr. Faisal is nevertheless positive regarding the future and the opportunities related to global cooperation.

“We should all come together and I think we can all come together and yet find solutions to these problems. Especially larger like China and the USA, when they come together, you can achieve anything.”

(责任编辑:Ville Vuorensola)


