Belgium and China cooperating since 1971
H.E. Michel Malherbe, Ambassador of Belgium
The relationship between Belgium and China goes back a long time. Mr. Malherbe tells that contacts started in the 17th century when Belgian Jesuits came to the imperial court of China to teach about the stars and the sky.
H.E. Malherbe also proudly mentions that later during the 20th century Belgium was the first country to relinquish its concession in China.
“Belgium had a concession in Tianjin and in the 1920s it was the first country to give it back to China and. I know that is something many Chinese did not forget.”
Modern relations between Belgium and the People’s Republic of China started in 1971 when Belgium, among other Western countries and the United Nations, recognized the People’s Republic of China.
Belgium can be found in China also in other ways that economically. Belgium brings to China many cultural products. These include cartoons of which maybe the most known in Tintin, or also known as Ding Ding (丁丁) in China. Mr. Malherbe tells that a delicious food culture and good beer are also associated with Belgium in China.
H.E. Malherbe also talks about the “reverse movement” concerning investments that has happened in the last decades. Now it is also the Chinese companies that move abroad and invest into Belgium and other Western countries. The relations between Belgium have grown from small to big but also from simple to complicated.
Belgium is interesting for Chinese investors because its capital, Brussels, is also practically the capital of the European Union, where most of the EU institutions are located. This is why Belgians have special know-how of working with the EU.
“We know how the EU works and when you know us you have something that others may not have to access things when the EU is concerned.”
CECTV reporter Vuorensola interviewing H.E. Malherbe
Mr. Malherbe also sees that Belgium has great potential as a destination for Chinese tourists. As it is well located in the middle of Western Europe, it is easy to use Belgium as a starting point for travelling in Europe. Of course according to the Ambassador Belgium itself has a lot to offer.
“We like to say that we are a miniature Europe. Our country is small with a small population, but we have different language groups, different cultures. Those who want a compact view of Europe actually don’t need to cross our borders.”
Regarding the One Belt, One Road initiative, Mr. Malherbe sees it in a positive light. He says that the initiative is a win-win solution for China and also for all the countries that take part in it. As Belgium is developed country at the very western end of the planned route, it would not get much investments but would enjoy from new trade possibilities.
Ambassador Malherbe would like to see the One Belt, One Road of China connected with the European Juncker initiative, which was started to recreate growth inside the European Union.
“When you look at it there are a lot of similarities between that initiative and One Belt, One Road and we want to connect the two ideas and to see whether China and the EU could invest together in big infrastructure initiatives that would enhance One Belt, One Road and also help restart the European economy.”
(责任编辑:Ville Vuorensola)版权及免责声明
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