
来源: 作者:编辑 点击: 发布时间:2013-02-26 10:49:21



人员被关押,但有6人逃脱,并躲在加拿大驻伊朗大使Ken Taylor(维克多·加博 Victor Garber 饰)的家里。CIA高层Jack O'Donnell(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 饰)找到专家Tony Mendez(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰),让他协助将那六个人带回美国。经过讨论后,CIA决定采取Tony的办法,以拍摄电影的名义,Tony到伊朗将那六个人带回。Tony联系了他在好莱坞的朋友,化妆师John Chambers(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 饰),为了找到了那六个人,开始了艰苦的逃离德黑兰之路......选段中,多亏加拿大大使家的女仆Sahar向伊朗人撒谎作假了6人的到来时间,而同时Jack又接到了Tony打来的电话,Tony告诉他,就算政府放弃了他的计划,派军队去伊朗,而这6个人已然在集市露面,身份面临曝光……所以必须要把这个计划执行下去,越快越好。Jack为了和他配合,将……



Tony:Somebody's responsible when things happen, Jack. I'm responsible. I'm taking them through.


Alan! Alan! We need to confirm those seven tickets out of Tehran on Swiss Air.

Official:Engell shut that down.

Jack:I say it's back on!

Official:I can't do it. It's back stopped.

Jack:Wait wait, wait a minute! Wait! What the hell are you talking about, back stopped?! What the hell does that mean?

Official:Carter gotta say yes for us to get the tickets.

Tony:Time to go. All right.

Jack:Where's Engell?

Staff:He's in a meeting.

Jack:Pull him out. Pull him out!

Tony:Thank you. See you soon.

Candian Ambassador:Sahar's on the bus.


Candian Ambassador:Sahar will be fine.

Tony:Thank you.

Candian Ambassador:Thank you.

Tony:You two leave right now.

Candian Ambassador:We'll leave on the train in half an hour.


Official: And he said no. This is not a long leisure and it never has been, and you don't decide if it goes!

Jack:It is going!

Official: Jack, you are this close.

Jack:Am I? Am I really that close?

Official: You are this Goddamn close to...

Jack:I am not gonna leave him at the airport with six people and his dick in his hand. You tell the director to call the White House! Do your fucking job!

Candian Ambassador:Get to your plane, Claude.

Claude:Oui monsieur.

Tony:First time anyone's gonna ask you a question is at the first check point. The first check point is just to get a look at your passports. Passports came straight from Ottawa last week, they're clean.

Jack:Find White House Chief of Staff!

Official:How would I find him?

Jack:We're a fucking spy agency! Find him!

Tony:The second check point is immigration. You're each gonna hand them one of these. It says that you landed in the country two days ago. They'll look for the matching white one, which doesn't exist. You'll say you don't know what happened, and if you believe they lost the white set, they'll believe it too.

Official:Jordon's in the West Wing, he's not taking calls.

Jack:Where are his kids?


Jack:Where do his kids go to school?

Official: Thank you, thank you. Pace Academy, Buckhead, Georgia.

Staff:White House.

Jack:Yes, this is Mr. Murphy from Pace Academy calling for Mr. Jordon. Yeah, I'm afraid it is an emergency.

Staff:Hold for the Chief of Staff's Office.

Tony:The third check point is the trap. It's manned by the Revolutionary Guard, most of them were educated in the U.S. and Europe, and all of them are looking for Americans.

Mr. Jordon:Hello?

Jack:Jack O'Donnell from CIA...

Mr. Jordon:Wait, wait! Who?

Jack:Iran guesthouse operation is ready now. If we don't have the President's go ahead, they are going to be captured.

Mr. Jordon:David, pick up!



