Road Show by KP Government in Beijing: A Journey of Discover
中国国际教育电视台讯:The opening session of a Road Show by the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Province and the Embassy of Pakistan, showcasing 86 projects in 13 different sectors, was held in Beijing on 17th April, 2017.
A delegation from KP, led by Chief Minister Pervez Khattak, comprising both public and private sector, along with representatives from around 400 Chinese companies participated in the event.
Ambassador Masood Khalid welcomed the participants and highlighted that the visit of the Chief Minister and the road show would help in showcasing the economic potential of the province in multiple sectors. He further said that Chief Minister’s visit demonstrates the unity and consensus amongst all provinces of Pakistan on CPEC.
He added that CPEC is the manifestation of our leadership’s vision of unlocking our mutually beneficial potential for peace and prosperity, not only for our two countries but also for the entire region.
Chief Guest Mr. Sha Zukang, President of China Pakistan Friendship Association (CPFA) termed Pak-China relationship as a role model to be followed by other nations. He said that One Belt and One Road initiative is a global concept and will benefit the economies globally.
He said that his visit will further help in laying a solid foundation for a durable relationship between the two countries. He also highlighted the incentives and concessions being provided to the investors and underscored the improved security situation in the country.
On this occasion, 11 MoUs in different sectors were signed. The road show which was attended by a large number of Chinese business community, shall continue on 17th & 18th April.
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