
If you're rubbing your hands with glee at the thought of playing an April Fools' prank on your co-workers, read through my list of things not to do in the office. You may be able to pull off some of these jokes, but it probably won't be funny to your co-workers. Remember, although April 1 is a fun holiday, there is a professional protocol in the office that you still need to take heed of.
Send in a Resignation Letter: Sending your boss a resignation letter is serious business, and when she finds out that your letter is a gag, I don't think she'll find it very funny. If you want to hang tight to your job, you might want to avoid playing this prank in the office.
递交辞职信: 向老板递交辞职书是件很严肃的事情,当她发现你的申请不过是个玩笑时,我想她也不会觉得可笑。如果想牢牢地保住你的工作,你就应该尽量避免这样的恶作剧。
Say You're Terminally Sick: I've actually had a friend who claimed he had a short time left to live among his friends, and seeing as it wasn't very funny to my friends, it'll be even more inappropriate for the office.
Free Lunch For the Office: Announcing some freebies for the office such as a free fried chicken lunch for everyone then suddenly taking it back and claiming it's a joke would lead to many unhappy campers. People might skip lunch and spend their morning anticipating the fried chicken.
Confess Your Love For a Co-Worker: It might be OK to do it to a friend, but it's not a joke that's suited for the office. That's because office romance is a tricky situation, and you don't want to get into trouble and get accused of sexual harassment.
Destroy Work Items: Anything that involves destroying work property such as permanently screwing up the copier machine or ruining office chairs is a huge no-no. First of all, it's not your property, and you'll be liable for any damages. Second, your boss might have a lower opinion of you and she might think that you're the type of person who doesn't think twice about destroying or defacing public properties.
You work hard to make a good impression on people at the office, so don't erase your record in just one day! Even if you want to pull a harmless prank, you need to suss out the culture of your company to gauge if an April Fools' joke is appropriate.
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