Victoria:Congratulations are in order. I just scored a product placement for our brand in the latest McQuillanator movie. Thank you, thank you very much.
维多利亚: 需要祝贺一下。我刚在 McQuillanator 最新的电影里植入了广告。谢谢,非常感谢。
Gerard: Really? That's great! Will it have a prominent place in the movie?
杰勒德: 真的吗?太棒了!它在电影中的位置显眼吗?
Victoria: Well, you know how these things are. Our logo goes by in the blink of an eye, but millions of people are going to see it.
维多利亚: 嗯,你会知道具体情况的。我们公司的标志一眨眼就过去了,不过还是会有上百万观众看见它。
Gerard: So will the star be wearing our logo on his shirt or something?
杰勒德: 那么明星们会穿着贴有咱们标志的短袖或者其它什么东西吗?
Victoria: Something like that.
维多利亚: 类似吧。
Gerard: But not that.
杰勒德: 但不是那样。
Victoria: No, it's a little more subtle than that, but it'll be embedded into an important scene.
维多利亚: 是的,没有那么明显,不过会植入到一个很重要的场景中。
Gerard: But where are they going to see it?
杰勒德: 但人们会在哪里看到它呢?
Victoria: Is that really important? The important thing is that our brand will be associated with a major Hollywood movie. What more could we ask for?
维多利亚: 这真的很重要吗?重要的是我们的品牌能与一部好莱坞大片有联系。我们还奢求什么呢?
Gerard: Stop beating around the bush. Where in the movie will our logo appear?
杰勒德: 别拐弯抹角了。我们的标志会在电影的哪个部分出现?
Victoria: All right. It'll be on the bottom of the star's shoes, on the sole, and the audience will be able to see it when he's running.
维多利亚: 好吧。它会出现在明星们的鞋底,当明星们奔跑时,观众们会看见它的。
Gerard: Only if he's running in slow motion, but he won't be, right? If it goes by that quickly, it'll be more like subliminal advertising.
杰勒德: 只有在他慢动作奔跑时才能看见,但他是不会慢动作奔跑的,对吗?如果一闪而过的话,那么这更类似于潜意识广告。
Victoria: Exactly! I hadn't thought of it that way, but hordes of people will be going out to buy our products and they won't even know why. I'm even more of a genius than I thought!
维多利亚: 正是如此!我没这么想过,但成群的人会来购买我们的商品,他们甚至不知道为什么。我比我想象的要更有天赋!
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