2018QS世界大学学科排名 多大夺魁加拿大
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发布时间:2018-03-14 14:53:19
据了解,QS排名作为历史悠久的全球大学排名认证,一直以来广受人们关注,今年更是在往年基础上新增了图书馆及信息管理、古典文学及古代史两个专业的排名,总计发布48个专业排名。其排名依据主要由以下四项构成:1.全球顶尖专家学者对该学科的专业评价和认可度;2.该学科毕业生在全球顶尖用人单位的评价和认可度;3.该学科近5年在世界最大论文引用数据库SCOPUS中的“篇均引用(citations per paper)”;4.学科的“高被引指数(h-index)”。
在今年新加入的排名科目中,多大的全球图书馆和信息管理同样取得了世界第十一名的骄人成绩。多大信息学院院长温迪·达夫 (Wendy Duff) 表示:“技术已经融入我们所做的每一件事。” 他补充道,信息学院一直处于该领域的前沿。
多大研究和创新副总裁 Vivek Goel表示,看到多大的研究人员在如此广泛的学科中,以卓越的实力赢得了世界瞩目的盛誉, 深感欣慰。他说:“一个学府能够取得如此数量、如此高的评价,在全球范围内也是很罕见的。这也确保了我们的学生能够最大程度的接触到世界领先的学者。”
本次QS 排名中参与机构共有1130个。为了得出准确的排名结果,QS全球教育集团作为QS 排名的责任方,共分析了2200多万篇论文, 由此产生了近2亿字的引文。
The University of Toronto impressed in the 2018 rankings: No other university placed in the top 50 globally for so many subjects.
The University of Toronto continues to rise in international rankings, taking top 10 spots in eight subject areas in the 2018 QS World University Rankings by Subject.
The 2018 subject rankings include two new categories, with U of T scoring 11th globally in library and information management, a field that has seen the University make headlines around the world for its efforts to preserve U.S. environmental data under the Trump administration.
“Technology is embedded in everything we do,” says Faculty of Information Dean Wendy Duff, adding that the faculty has been on the cutting edge of important trends in its field.
U of T ranked in the top 50 globally for 42 out of 48 subjects. No other university did so well
This year, U of T ranked in the top 10 globally in nursing (2nd), sports-related subjects (6th), anatomy (8th), anthropology (8th), social policy (8th), theology (8th), geography (9th) and computer science (10th).
No other university was ranked in the top 50 globally for so many subjects – for U of T, that came out to 42 of the 48 subjects that were reviewed.
The independent QS rankings finds U of T among the world’s elite universities in all five subject areas surveyed, and in 45 of the 48 subjects that were analyzed. In most cases, the university scored even higher when public higher education institutions alone were counted in the subject areas ranked.
For 31 subjects, U of T placed among the top 25 globally. Only six other universities were in the top 25 for 31 or more subjects – the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of California-Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford University and Harvard University.
U of T was ranked first in Canada in all five of the broader subject areas, and was first in Canada in 30 of the 45 subjects in which it was ranked.
“Such breadth and depth of scholarship in one institution is rare globally”
“It’s gratifying to see University of Toronto researchers recognized for the excellence of their work and their world-leading reputation across such a wide range of subject areas,” said Vivek Goel, U of T’s vice-president of research and innovation. “Such breadth and depth of scholarship in one institution is rare globally, and ensures that our students have the broadest possible exposure to leading scholars.”
The QS subject rankings are based on four measures: academic survey results of leading universities in a field, employer survey results of the best institutions and disciplines, citations per paper and the H-Index, which tries to measure the productivity and impact of the published work.
To produce the results, QS ranked 1,130 institutions and analyzed more than 22 million papers that have produced close to 200 million citations.
在今年新加入的排名科目中,多大的全球图书馆和信息管理同样取得了世界第十一名的骄人成绩。多大信息学院院长温迪·达夫 (Wendy Duff) 表示:“技术已经融入我们所做的每一件事。” 他补充道,信息学院一直处于该领域的前沿。
多大研究和创新副总裁 Vivek Goel表示,看到多大的研究人员在如此广泛的学科中,以卓越的实力赢得了世界瞩目的盛誉, 深感欣慰。他说:“一个学府能够取得如此数量、如此高的评价,在全球范围内也是很罕见的。这也确保了我们的学生能够最大程度的接触到世界领先的学者。”
本次QS 排名中参与机构共有1130个。为了得出准确的排名结果,QS全球教育集团作为QS 排名的责任方,共分析了2200多万篇论文, 由此产生了近2亿字的引文。
U of T gets top marks in Canada in QS World University subject rankings
The University of Toronto impressed in the 2018 rankings: No other university placed in the top 50 globally for so many subjects.
The University of Toronto continues to rise in international rankings, taking top 10 spots in eight subject areas in the 2018 QS World University Rankings by Subject.
The 2018 subject rankings include two new categories, with U of T scoring 11th globally in library and information management, a field that has seen the University make headlines around the world for its efforts to preserve U.S. environmental data under the Trump administration.
“Technology is embedded in everything we do,” says Faculty of Information Dean Wendy Duff, adding that the faculty has been on the cutting edge of important trends in its field.
U of T ranked in the top 50 globally for 42 out of 48 subjects. No other university did so well
This year, U of T ranked in the top 10 globally in nursing (2nd), sports-related subjects (6th), anatomy (8th), anthropology (8th), social policy (8th), theology (8th), geography (9th) and computer science (10th).
No other university was ranked in the top 50 globally for so many subjects – for U of T, that came out to 42 of the 48 subjects that were reviewed.
The independent QS rankings finds U of T among the world’s elite universities in all five subject areas surveyed, and in 45 of the 48 subjects that were analyzed. In most cases, the university scored even higher when public higher education institutions alone were counted in the subject areas ranked.
For 31 subjects, U of T placed among the top 25 globally. Only six other universities were in the top 25 for 31 or more subjects – the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of California-Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford University and Harvard University.
U of T was ranked first in Canada in all five of the broader subject areas, and was first in Canada in 30 of the 45 subjects in which it was ranked.
“Such breadth and depth of scholarship in one institution is rare globally”
“It’s gratifying to see University of Toronto researchers recognized for the excellence of their work and their world-leading reputation across such a wide range of subject areas,” said Vivek Goel, U of T’s vice-president of research and innovation. “Such breadth and depth of scholarship in one institution is rare globally, and ensures that our students have the broadest possible exposure to leading scholars.”
The QS subject rankings are based on four measures: academic survey results of leading universities in a field, employer survey results of the best institutions and disciplines, citations per paper and the H-Index, which tries to measure the productivity and impact of the published work.
To produce the results, QS ranked 1,130 institutions and analyzed more than 22 million papers that have produced close to 200 million citations.
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