行业大咖汇聚北京 探讨“一带一路”油气管道安全领域
作者:本台编辑 点击:
发布时间:2018-05-19 16:44:38
据了解,本次研讨会有北京石油学会、美国NACE国际、德国ROSEN、英国BEASY、韩国Gas safety、 MYONGJI University、中国石油大学(北京)、中国石油大学(华东)、CNPC管道输送安全国家工程实验室、莱茵技术(上海)有限公司、北京邹展麓城科技有限公司、山东省科学院激光研究所、安科工程技术研究院(北京)有限公司、中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所、常州大学环境与安全工程学院、中国石油新疆培训中心、 中国石油和化学工业联合会管道完整性管理技术中心、中国石油工程建设协会无损检测专业委员会等共计30个单位参与。

上图:中国石油大学(北京)国际培训专家Yasir Mahmoud博士
其中,来自中国石油大学(北京)国际培训专家Yasir Mahmoud博士就“油气管道安全培训的未来展望”作了精彩的学术汇报,并与在座的专家学者们进行了深入的探讨和交流。
随后,NACE国际副主席Terry Greenfield和来自马来西亚的Shafeq Marwan,分别进行了关于“国际业务发展与腐蚀完整性”、“MFL-Ultra超高清漏磁检测-针对环焊缝缺陷及针孔缺陷的新一代检测技术”的学术演讲并与现场专家、学者进行了深入探讨。
据了解,本次研讨会有北京石油学会、美国NACE国际、德国ROSEN、英国BEASY、韩国Gas safety、 MYONGJI University、中国石油大学(北京)、中国石油大学(华东)、CNPC管道输送安全国家工程实验室、莱茵技术(上海)有限公司、北京邹展麓城科技有限公司、山东省科学院激光研究所、安科工程技术研究院(北京)有限公司、中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所、常州大学环境与安全工程学院、中国石油新疆培训中心、 中国石油和化学工业联合会管道完整性管理技术中心、中国石油工程建设协会无损检测专业委员会等共计30个单位参与。

上图:中国石油大学(北京)国际培训专家Yasir Mahmoud博士
随后,NACE国际副主席Terry Greenfield和来自马来西亚的Shafeq Marwan,分别进行了关于“国际业务发展与腐蚀完整性”、“MFL-Ultra超高清漏磁检测-针对环焊缝缺陷及针孔缺陷的新一代检测技术”的学术演讲并与现场专家、学者进行了深入探讨。
Celebrities in the industry gathered and discussed oil/gas pipeline safety issues via "The Belt and Road" of China
On May17 th -18th 2018, the Beijing Petroleum Institute, NACE international, China University of Petroleum -Beijing (CUPB), Chinese Association of petroleum engineering construction NDT Specialized Committee, jointly organized the 12th oil and gas pipeline safety International Conference and the The 11th Symposium on natural gas pipeline technology.
30 world institutiona made dedicated reports and presentations; those included: Beijing Petroleum Institute, American NACE international, German ROSEN, UK BEASY, Korean Gas safety, MYONGJI University, China University of Petroleum - Beijing , China University of Petroleum - Hua Dong, CNPC Pipeline Transportation Safety National Engineering Laboratory, Rhine Technology (Shanghai) Limited public, Beijing science and technology limited company, The laser Research Institute of the Shandong Academy of Sciences, the Institute of engineering and technology of Anke (Beijing), the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of water resources, the Chengdu mountain disaster and Environment Research Institute, the Institute of environmental and safety engineering of the University of Changzhou, the China Petroleum Xinjiang training center and the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation pipeline integrity management technology Heart, China Petroleum Engineering Construction Association nondestructive testing Specialized Committee.
The conference proceedings were chaired by Professor Dong Shaohua, a research center director of pipeline technology and safety at CUPB. Professor Zhang LaiBin, President of CUPB, addressed the opening ceremony as chairman of the general assembly. The conference has conducted academic exchanges on the safety support technology of oil and gas pipeline, the operational management technology of oil and gas pipeline, the new achievements in the related research fields, and invited famous experts and scholars and technicians at home and abroad to do further thematic reports. Among them, NACE international vice chairman Terry Greenfield who focused on "international business development and corrosion integrity". Dr. Yasir Mahmoud, an international training expert at CUPB, has made an academic report on future perspective of the safety professional trainings of oil and gas pipelines, and has conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges with other experts and scholars who have practical experiences. Mpreover, Shafeq Marwan, from Malaysia, discussed the "MFL-Ultra super HD magnetic flux leakage testing - a new generation of detection technology for circumferential weld defects and pinhole defects".
The conference is considered as an essential step to promote the "The Belt and Road" safety exchanges in international and domestic oil and gas pipeline industry. It, hopefully, made outstanding contributions to the development of safety precautions, measures and solutions in this important part of midstream and downstream oil and gas industries.
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