《疯狂原始人》主题曲:Shine Your Way
《疯狂原始人》主题曲:Shine Your Way
梦工厂动画电影《疯狂原始人》The Croods 日前在内地热映中,讲述了一个原始人家庭冒险旅行的故事。电影一路欢笑不断,又不乏让人感动的温情瞬间,在全球上映以来可谓是一片赞许“零负评”。
在影片结束时响起的这首励志主题曲《Shine Your Way》,由Owl City 猫头鹰之城乐队与马来西亚歌手Yuna首次合作。猫头鹰之城乐队跟动画片似乎有不解之缘,去年他们为迪士尼动画电影《无敌破坏王》演唱主题曲《When Can I See You Again》,来听听他们这次带来的惊喜吧!
《Shine Your Way》歌词:
Just before the dawn,
When the light's still gone,
Shine, shine your way,
And you may not know, where to go,
Shine, shine your way
Open road but it's still dark,
Build a fire from a spark,
And shine, shine your way,
Feed the feeling in your heart,
Don't conceal it then you'll start,
To find, find your way
No one can stop, what has begun,
You must believe when I say
All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,
Starting today,
Shine, shine, shine,
Shine your way
There's an open sky,
And a reason why,
You shine, shine your way,
There's so much to learn,
And now it's your turn,
To shine, shine your way
There's a feeling deep inside,
You can let it be your guide,
To find, find your way,
And there's no time for us to waste,
Got to take a leap of faith,
And fly, fly away
Don't have to walk,
Now you can run,
Nothing can get in your way
All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,
Starting today,
Shine, shine, shine,
Shine your way
Morning is breaking,
Darkness is fading,
We found a way to the light,
It's such a beautiful sight
Any time, anywhere,
Turn around and I'll be there,
To shine, shine your way
Like a star burning bright,
Lighting up the darkest night,
I'll shine, shine your way
Now I can see,
You are the one,
Sent here to show me the way
All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,
Starting today,
Shine, shine, shine,
We're on our way,
Shine, shine, shine,
That's what we say,
Shine, shine, shine,
Shine your way
There's a reason why
You shine, shine your way
All of our tears will dry faster in the sun
Shine your way
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