Panda Day at the Royal Danish Embassy
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发布时间:2019-05-13 09:55:06
Celebrating panda cuteness andSino-Danish friendship at the Embassy of Denmark
China has a long history of giving giant pandas to countries it has strong bilateral relations with. On April 10th, it was Denmark’s turn to receive two giant pandas, Mao Sun and Xing Er, who moved from Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding to the Copenhagen Zoo. To celebrate this, the Royal Danish Embassy in China and the State Forestry and Grassland Administration held a Panda Day, during which the audience was able to hear about the lives of the giant pandas and to enjoy some pantastic art.

A. Carsten Damsgaard, Ambassador of Denmark giving his welcoming speech.
At the beginning of the event, A. Carsten Damsgaard, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to the People’s Republic of China, who had the honor to escort Mao Sun and Xing Er on their flight to Denmark, described the pandas as living symbols of the two countries’ friendship. Mao Sun and Xing Er, who now reside an yin and yang-shaped house in Copenhagen zoo, are going to raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation, said Damsgaard. Conservation of the giant panda is, indeed, an important project, since its homeland is biologically very diversified region. Therefore, the conservation of the giant panda protects an abundance of other species living in its habitats.

Presentation by Mr. Zhang Zhihe, Director of Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding.
In his presentation, Zhang Zhihe, the Director General of the Department of International Cooperation in State Forestry and Grassland Administration, said that the arrival day of the pandas marked an important milestone both in conservation of the giant panda and in Sino-Danish collaboration. According to Zhang, China and Denmark are expecting not only a newborn panda cub, but also more cooperation in cultural exchanges and tourism in the near future.

Mr. Bengt Holst, Science Director of Copenhagen Zoo, giving an update on the panda's situation at the Copenhagen Zoo
Bengt Holst, the Science Director of Copenhagen Zoo, told the audience in his speech that the pandas settled down in Denmark very quickly. According to Holst, the two pandas have made themselves at home, and they are able to enjoy bamboo that has been grown in Denmark as well. Holst told that the two pandas have very different personalities, as the female panda Mao Sun is calm and quiet and a bit cautious, whereas the male panda, Xing Er, is acting like a true male. Holst told that the way the pandas are acting looks promising for the next autumn’s mating season. Now that the pandas have settled down, it’s time to start the research, according to Holst.

School Children from Chengdu performing a musical called Panda Fairy Tale.

Mr. Zhang Zhihe delivers the Ambassador his photographs of the pandas Mao Sun and Xing Er.
During the celebration, the audience was treated with panda-themed art. Children from Chengdu Golden Apple School performed a Panda Fairy Tale musical combining traditional Chinese dances with hip hop rhythms, and the Ambassador received photographs of Mao Sun and Xing Er and also two paintings called "Most Precious Treasure of China" by Wu Changjiang and "Slight Heat" by Xie Ganhua.

Mr. Zhang Zhihe giving a panda lecture.
During the Panda Day, both Zhang Zhi, the Director of Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding, and Bengt Holst, the Director of Copenhagen Zoo, gave lectures about the giant panda. Zhang Zhi discussed on the giant panda’s history as an endangered species and the work of Chengdu Research Base to protect the panda. According to Zhang Zhi, the giant panda’s low breeding efficiency and lack of genetic management together with three health-threatening diseases have resulted in low population of the giant panda. However, Zhang Zhi said, Chengdu Research Base and its international cooperation partners have achieved a lot of positive results. By 2018, thirty cubs were bred alone in overseas zoos.

Mr. Bengt Holst giving a panda lecture.
In his speech, Bengt Holst highlighted the importance of taking care of animals’ psychological well-being in addition to their physical needs. Holst also expressed his excitement about the cooperation between Copenhagen Zoo and the Chengdu Research Base, saying that both partners have a lot of knowledge to share. “We are completing each other -- just like yin and yang”, Holst laughed.(reporter:Judit Vikman Nina Maunuaho)
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