1. I wish I hadn't taken the job for the money.
1. 我希望自己不只是为赚钱而工作。
Research proves that compensation is a "hygiene" factor, not a true motivator. What was surprising, though, were the feelings of helplessness these individuals were facing. Lamented one investment banker, "I dream of quitting every day, but I have too many commitments." Another consultant said, "I'd love to leave the stress behind, but I don't think I'd be good at anything else." Whoever called them golden handcuffs wasn't joking。
2. I wish I had quit earlier.
2. 我希望自己能够尽早退出。
Almost uniformly, those who had actually quit their jobs to pursue their passions wished they had done so earlier. Said one sales executive, "Those years could have been spent working on problems that mattered to me. You can't ever get those years back."
3. I wish I had the confidence to start my own business.
3. 我希望曾有创业的自信。
As their personal finances shored up, professionals yearned for more control over their lives. To become an owner, not an employee in someone else's company. A recent study found that 70% of workers wished their current job would help them with starting a business in the future, yet only 15% said they had what it takes to actually venture out on their own. Even Fortune 500 CEOs dream of entrepreneurial freedom. Admitted one: "My biggest regret is that I'm a 'wantrepreneur.' I never got to prove myself by starting something from scratch."
4. I wish I had used my time at school more productively.
4. 我希望在大学的时候能更有效地利用时间。
Despite all the controversy currently surrounding student loans, roughly 86% of students still view college as a worthwhile investment. A biology researcher recounted her college experience as being "in a ridiculous hurry to complete what in hindsight were the best ." After starting a family and signing up for a mortgage, many were unable to carve out the space to return to school for advanced study to reset their careers。
5. I wish I had acted on my career hunches.
5. 我希望曾经按照自己的职场预期去行动过。
In 2005, an investment banker was asked to lead a small team in rapidly growing Latin America. Sensing that the move might be an upward step, he still declined. Crushingly, the individual brave enough to accept the offer was promoted shortly to division head, then to CEO. Recent theories of psychology articulate the importance of identifying these potentially rewarding moments of change, and jumping on these opportunities to non-linearly advance your professional life。
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