The Asian premiere of the documentary Back to the Wild scree
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发布时间:2019-06-21 14:57:34
H.E. Dr. Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri delivered an opening speech at the event.
The embassy of United Arab Emirates, in partnership with the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi and the Beijing Foreign Studies University screened the Asian premiere of the movie Back to the Wild.
The movie followed the Scimitar-horned Oryx Reintroduction Project, which is led by the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi. The project was inspired by the Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and it is the largest mammalian re-introduction effort in history. It aims to rewild the scimitar-horned oryx, the species once widespread across North Africa which went extinct in the wild due to the climate change and excessive hunting. The project is and exemplar in the international cooperation for wildlife conservation, and it is bringing together partners from the UAE, Africa, Europe and USA. Its goal is work as a foundation for the reintroduction of extinct species all over the world, and to nurture and protect our natural environment for generations to come.
In his speech, the UAE Minister of Education, H.E. Hussein Ibrahim Ali Hamadi, highlighted the importance of environmental cooperation between the countries.
At the beginning of the event, UAE’s Ambassador to China, Dr. Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri, delivered a speech and told the audience about UAE’s founder, Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s, admiration for the oryx and how the animal would be extinct in the wild without the conservation work. He also mentioned that the United Arab Emirates is in line with other countries’ objectives in intensifying the implementation of the United Nations sustainable development agenda for 2030. UAE’s Minister of Education, Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadi, who also attended the event, highlighted the importance of continuing Sheikh Zayed’s legacy by international cooperation in the times of environmental crisis.
The panelists discussed about wildlife conservation and global environment issues.
Back to the Wild pictures the rewilding project of the scimitar-horned oryx and follows the herd’s journey from Abu Dhabi to one of world’s biggest wildlife reserves in Chad. The producer of the film, Hana Makki, described the documentary as a way to spread message of animal protection and as a tool for public and green diplomacy. She also led a panel discussion with Mohammed Manea Al Remeithi from Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, Si Ping, Director of International Cooperation of China Wildlife Conservation Association and Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary-General, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation. The panelists discussed about the future of the conservation project and the number of current population of the Oryx, which has been growing steadily. The participants highlighted the importance of this conservation project as a flagship for future generations.
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