A:Those are today’s top stories. Now let’s go to John for the weather. John, what does the forecast look like for our weekend travelers?
B:I’m afraid we’re in for a rough weekend, Marry. There is a storm system moving through the East Coast. It will be drizzling all day today, and there’s a 60 percent chance of thunderstorms this evening. It will be warm and humid all weekend. In the Midwest, expect strong winds and a low of around 40 degrees.
A:That’s pretty chilly for the summer! Will it rain on Saturday?
B:Unfortunately, yes. It will be clear early Saturday morning but there is a high chance of showers and thunderstorms later in the day. There is a severe thunderstorm warning for some parts of the Southeast. Folks in those areas might see some hail and flooding, especially in areas that have been experiencing record high rainfalls.
A:That certainly sounds like a dreary Saturday.
B:It gets better on Sunday, though. The storm systems move east and the skies will clear up at night. It will still be rather cool, with highs in the low 50s. The West Coast will be experiencing some unusually chilly weather, but at least the sun will come out. I advise weekend travelers to be careful, especially while driving. Back to you, Mark.
A:Thanks John, and there you have it! Looks like it’s a weekend to stay at home!
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