福布斯全球权势女性榜 默克尔蝉联彭丽媛入选
福布斯全球权势女性榜 默克尔蝉联彭丽媛入选
This year the list features nine heads of state who run nations with a combined GDP of $11.8 trillion — including the No. 1 Power Woman, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The 24 corporate CEOs control $893 billion in annual revenues, and 16 of the women here founded their own companies, including two of the three new billionaires to the list, Tory Burch and Spanx’s Sara Blakely. Speaking of, this year’s class has 14 billionaires valued in excess of $82 billion.
Here, a quick peek at Power Women 2013:
Newcomers: Among the 15 newcomers on this year’s list are South Korean President Park Guen-hye (No. 11); Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson (No. 34); CEO Tory Burch (No. 69); Spanx founder Sara Blakely (No. 90) and Baidu CFO Jennifer Li (No. 98).
She’s No. 1: Chancellor Merkel has made the list eight times out of the past ten years — seven times as No. 1.
Hillary stays on: Clinton’s CV is chock full of firsts: The only first lady to become a U.S. senator turned viable presidential candidate turned secretary of state. Now a private citizen, she continues to be one of the most watched and listened-to women on the planet. All bets on that she will be the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate and the free world’s presumptive next leader. She’s done little to quiet the chatter, including hitting the speaking circuit last month at an estimated $200,000 fee per event and inking a reported $14 million book deal.
The women in tech: Tech takes a second turn as a category on the Power Women list. Five tech women made the top 25 this year, including Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg (No. 6), Rometty (No. 12) and HP’s Meg Whitman (No. 15). There are 16 tech women in total, including also Susan Wojcicki, SVP of ads at Google (No. 30) and Sun Yafang, chair of Huawei Technologies (No. 77).
科技界的女性:科技行业今年第二度作为权势女性榜上的一个分类。前25位最有权势的女性中,5位来自科技行业,包括Facebook的雪莉·桑德伯格(桑德伯格新书《Lean In》下载>>)(排名第6),IBM的罗曼提(排名第12)和惠普的梅格·惠特曼(排名第15)。上榜的科技界女性总共有16位,还包括谷歌的广告高级副总裁苏珊·沃西基(排名第30)和华为公司董事长孙亚芳(排名第77位)。
Businesswomen are booming in Asia: The whole region makes a strong showing, from China and Singapore to New Zealand and Thailand. Entrepreneurship is on the rise: see Zhang Xin (No. 50) , Sun Yafang (No. 77) and Solina Chau (No. 80). And Asian region women are showing their political might, from newcomer Park Geun-hye, the South Korean president (No. 11) and Burmese dissident and parliamentarian Aung San Suu Kyi (No. 29) to Australian PM Julia Gillard (No. 28) and Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra (No. 31).
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