点赞华裔少年 勇救落水儿童

来源: 作者: BINGHUI HUANG 点击: 发布时间:2020-08-10 16:02:56
      8月7日星期四下午,席卷美东的热带飓风刚刚刮过Bethelehem 这个宾州小镇,16岁的华裔少年凯文( Kevin Cornklin) 和妈妈一起去镇上公园散步。经过一场暴风雨,本来平静的小溪已经爆涨了,这时他们看见水里有个小男孩,穿着游泳裤,戴着潜水镜在玩水,那孩子的妈妈也在不远处。突然凯文妈妈看不见了那孩子,就问边上那妈妈,那妈妈这才发觉孩子不见了,慌得大声喊叫。这时凯文还在马路的另一边,妈妈喊他快跑过去看看,一看那里是个三四米宽的大坑,里面积满了水,却很浑浊看不清里面有没有孩子。妈妈对凯文说你会潜水的,下去搜搜。凯文毫不犹豫跳下水去,但没发现水里有孩子,这里是一个把溪水通过公路的涵洞,水流得很急,估计是孩子被卷进涵洞里冲走了,洞口也就半米大的口径,身高一米八多的大小伙子,毫不犹豫就钻进洞里找孩子去了。



      凯文是中美联姻的后代,母亲郭强来自东北,爸爸是美国白人,退伍军人,不幸却于2018年因车祸去世,留下凯文和母亲相依为命,为此妈妈不得不更换可以灵活上班的工作。凯文从18个月就已经被诊断为自闭症了,地处宾州中部也没有沿海大城市里那么多的自闭症干预服务,妈妈就抓住任何机会,无论是体育的还是社交的,有机会就让凯文去尝试,绝大部分都没有结果,只有两个爱好被凯文长期坚持下来了,一个是游泳,他从7,8岁开始学游泳,一直到现在参加学校的游泳队,这也是当时妈妈让他潜水的原因,知道他游泳好有这个能力,另一个是吹黑管,这也让凯文能加入到他中学的学生管弦乐团,那个乐队在美东非常有名,常常被邀请到各地参加表演,能加入到乐队的学生们,都必须首先保障自己的学习成绩优良学校才会容许你参加,所以里面很多的好学生,这也成了凯文的动力,现在他是即将进入高三(11年级),他准备选几门Honor 的课,为自己将来能读大学而努力。

Teenager dives in to rescue boy sucked into Bethlehem Township drain pipe during Tropical Storm Isaias flooding
When 16-year-old Kevin Conklin saw a young boy who was playing in deep rain water get sucked into a drain pipe under a Bethlehem Township road Tuesday, he dove in.
“I didn’t know how to react, so I went after him in the hole,” said the Liberty High School student, who didn’t give a thought to the new iPhone that was in his pocket at the time.
His mother, Qiang Conklin, immediately regretted not pulling her son back. Like the young boy, Kevin also disappeared into the pipe under Farmersville Road at Bethlehem Township Municipal Park.
“In that moment, I felt worried I had lost him,” she said Thursday. When he came through the other side, she was amazed by his bravery and selflessness.
“It makes me want to cry,” she said.
The accident happened just after the worst of Tropical Storm     Isaias had passed through the region, flooding roads, homes and businesses. One Lehigh Valley woman, Yesenia Then, died after her car was swept away by the flood as she was driving through Upper Saucon Township on her way home to Allentown. The storm trapped people in cars and buildings throughout the Lehigh Valley and caused power outages for many more.
Kevin and his mom were taking a walk just as the rain stopped in the afternoon when they encountered a young boy playing in the water in his swim trunks and goggles.
As Kevin passed through the drain pipe, he remembers he couldn’t see anything for a few seconds and then he was on the other side.
“I was trying to find the kid, so I was calling out for him,” he said. Luckily, as both boys passed through the drain pipe, multiple people stopped to help, including a man who had a ladder.
He helped the younger boy up and then Kevin, who was completely soaked and missing a shoe by the time he got up to the road above the drain pipe, said police Chief Dan Pancoast.
By the time Bethlehem Township police arrived, both boys had been rescued, Pancoast said.
“The actions of the 16-year-old were heroic,” he said. “He is to be commended for putting himself in danger.”
While the boys were not seriously hurt, ambulances took them to hospitals, Conklin said. Kevin suffered some scratches from the drain pipe, but is otherwise doing well. He has yet to meet the little boy he tried to save and doesn’t know his name.
Life hasn’t been easy for the mother and son.
Conklin has raised Kevin as a single mom even since her husband died in a car accident in 2018. She’s worked jobs with flexible hours to care for him.
Conklin was so shaken by the incident that she returned to the spot the next day, when the water had drained, to look at the pipe. She worries that other children will get hurt and wants parents to know it’s not safe to swim in the park.
Township Manager Doug Bruce said he’ll look into the issue, but he’d never heard of such a drain pipe accident prior to Tuesday.
“Overnight, I didn’t sleep,” Conklin said. “...Why did I let my son jump in?”
When Kevin emerged, Conklin filmed him with her phone as he stood looked stunned and soaking wet, wanting to remember the moments after his heroic feat.
Binghui Huang can be reached at 610-820-6745 or Bhuang@mcall.com.


