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发布时间:2020-11-23 15:08:31
由ZP Arabia Drilling Company Ltd.主办,中国石油大学(北京)网络与教育学院联合天津职业技术学院承办的钻井能力提升培训班于2020年1月5日圆满结束,该公司15位优秀的沙特籍雇员参与了此次培训。
此次培训于2019年12月5日正式开始,为期一个月,显著特点为现场实操性强。通过此次培训,学员学习了石油钻井的相关理论与技术,了解了钻井技术的新流程及新方法,提高了原有钻井设备的操作水平,开始掌握70D DC新的钻井设备,同时,补充了复杂钻井条件下事故的预防、诊断和处理的相关知识。项目团队在培训间歇特意安排了北京和天津知名景点的旅游观光以及购物活动,让学员有机会更好地了解中国文化,购买到中国制造的产品,促进了中国与沙特阿拉伯两国的文化互通。
据悉,钻井能力提升培训班是我院与ZP Arabia Drilling Company Ltd.的首次合作,公司和学院领导都给予了极大的重视,分别安排熟练掌握阿拉伯语的校企负责人全程跟班,相信此次培训班的圆满完成必将进一步促进校企未来的合作。
此次培训于2019年12月5日正式开始,为期一个月,显著特点为现场实操性强。通过此次培训,学员学习了石油钻井的相关理论与技术,了解了钻井技术的新流程及新方法,提高了原有钻井设备的操作水平,开始掌握70D DC新的钻井设备,同时,补充了复杂钻井条件下事故的预防、诊断和处理的相关知识。项目团队在培训间歇特意安排了北京和天津知名景点的旅游观光以及购物活动,让学员有机会更好地了解中国文化,购买到中国制造的产品,促进了中国与沙特阿拉伯两国的文化互通。
据悉,钻井能力提升培训班是我院与ZP Arabia Drilling Company Ltd.的首次合作,公司和学院领导都给予了极大的重视,分别安排熟练掌握阿拉伯语的校企负责人全程跟班,相信此次培训班的圆满完成必将进一步促进校企未来的合作。
The 1st One Month Technical Capacity Improvement in Drilling Engineering Completed Successfully
The "1st Technical Capacity Improvement in Drilling Engineering for ZP Arabian Drilling Company LTD" which sponsored by Zhongyuan Arabic drilling company (ZP) and undertaken by the Online and Continuing Education School of China University of Petroleum-Beijing in cooperation with Tianjin Engineering and Technical Vocational Institute, was successfully completed on January 5, 2020. The trainees were 15 Saudis technical staff who belong to ZP Company located in Saudi Arabia.
The training started on December 5, 2019 and last for one complete month. Through this period, the young Saudi trainees studied the relevant theories and technologies of petroleum drilling, understand about the new progress, new technologies and new methods of drilling technology. On the other hand, during oilfield practice, the trainees' field operation capabilities were not only improved to intermediate level, but also they started to master the 70D DC drilling equipment. They have got the adequate knowledge about prevention, diagnosis and treatment of complex drilling conditions and accidents mainly in drilling rig sites. Moreover, while the Saudi employees' improving their technical skills, they have got opportunities to cultivate their understanding and recognition of Chinese culture and got to know about new products made in China and they have enjoyed their first visits to interested sightseeing in Beijing and Tianjin.
Before the closing ceremony of the training classes, the CUPBIT International training management team supervised a final "training examination" for the trainees which covered the 30 days of training, so as to clearly assess the technical capabilities progress of the trainees during the training period.
The characteristics of this unique training course are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1. Leaders of both sides attached great importance to the training and implementing the curriculum requirements;
2. Good teachers are the foundation for the success of the project. The teachers as team builders, encouraged the 15 Saudi trainees to involve in all activities. Thus, increase the interest and enhance the sense of learning output. The feedback of the trainees was very good.
3. The effective translation push forward the communication with the entrusted training team members and trainees which leads to more trustfulness and elevate the initiatives.
4. The international training management team considered to minimize the theoretical classes for senior high school graduates and to motivate participants to use English for more onsite discussions with trainers and experts in the oilfield.
5. The reliability makes oil companies to look forward to coordinating such kind of programs for young technical staff in future.
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