2021 年“欢乐春节”线上系列活动展播预告

来源: 作者:本台编辑 点击: 发布时间:2021-02-09 10:44:33
      2021 年“欢乐春节”线上活动排期表            
      Program of Online Activities of2021 Happy Chinese New Year
      10:00   《中国味道》——春节美食工作坊
      A Taste of China
      Chinese New Year Gourmet
      A Taste of China   Chinese New Year Gourmet Workshop
      Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festival featuring the most spectacular celebration activities and the most elaborate foods in China. Through tracking the origins of Beijing, Huaiyang, Cantonese and Sichuan cuisines, “A Taste of China”  Chinese New Year Gourmet Workshop showcases the beauty of Spring Festival foods popular in different parts of China. It also explores the natural scenery, historical legacies, cultural stories, and Spring Festival traditions behind those foods, fully demonstrating the “superb cooking techniques, elegant taste, attractive appearance, and pursuit for harmony with nature” of Chinese food culture as well as the unique cultural connotations and charm of Spring Festival. The display of the different family reunion dinners of the four major cuisines on Chinese New Year’s Eve, online classes for cooking various special dishes and interactive experiences enable overseas audiences to cook dishes with their own hands by watching online videos, forming a new pattern integrating online interaction and offline experience. 

      The Luster of Wood and Colour
      Virtual Exhibition of Woodcut New Year Painting
      As a symbol of Chinese new year’s culture, along with the evolution of Chinese New Year customs in long times, the intangible cultural heritage Chinese new year painting have evolved into a special symbolic decorative art of Chinese folklore. They are important carriers of folklore dissemination, an artistic transmission of the good wishes of Chinese people's daily life, and they carry Chinese people's blessings, joyous pursuits and their dreams for the future.
This exhibition selects 52 pieces/sets of exquisite intangible cultural heritage woodcut new year paintings from Zhuxianzhen in Henan, Yangliuqing in Tianjin, Taohuawu in Jiangsu, Yangjiabu in Shandong, Fengxiang in Shaanxi, Hanzhong in Shaanxi, Mianzhu in Sichuan, Foshan in Guangdong, Zhangzhou in Fujian, Tantou in Hunan, Wuqiang in Hebei, Linfen in Shanxi and Liangping in Chongqing. According to the content, they are divided into three sections: praying for good fortune, warding off evil spirits and eliminating disasters; myths and legends, drama stories; folk customs and city life, which aiming to show the rich folk customs and artistic charm of Chinese woodcut new year paintings. The display methods are 720-degree panoramic exhibition hall, video demonstration of the printing process, new year painting downloading, new year painting animation, 720-degree engraving display, etc.

      10:00   《多彩中国年》——交互动画体验展
      Happy Chinese New Year Animation Celebration Carnival


     Focusing primarily on the joy of reunions during the Spring Festival, “Happy Chinese New Year” Animation Celebration Carnival uses vividly colored “China-Chic” long paintings painted by hand in conjunction with short videos of theme stories, interactive animations and pictorial collections to condense the preservation and development of Spring Festival culture in China. The Spring Festival is not only a Chinese festival, but a global celebration.

      Happy New Year of the Ox
      Virtual Exhibition of Chinese Zodiac Design 


    The Chinese zodiac, also known as “Shengxiao” or “Shuxiang”, is a repeating cycle of twelve years counted by the calendar system of “Dizhi” (Earthly Branches), with each year being represented by an animal. The zodiac animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Ancient Chinese people measured the length of a year with a cycle of twelve full moons, and created ten “Tiangan” (Heavenly Stems) and twelve “Dizhi” (Earthly Branches) to make combinations representing a sexagenary cycle. The number twelve is thus regarded as the governing number of the universe, corresponding to twelve zodiac animals. This has led to an important folk culture of “animal year” with a unique conceptual interpretation system, which is widely present in the life of the Chinese people from ancient times to the present.
Since 2015, the “Global Zodiac Design Competition” sponsored by the city of Beijing has been selecting and displaying the works of many teachers and students of design schools as well as designers from around the world. The competition has promoted the innovative development and transformation of this classic cultural tradition, from which many excellent works have emerged. This exhibition brings together outstanding contemporary zodiac artworks including zodiac-themed bronze mirrors, figurines, murals, paintings, coins, seals, paper cuttings, and stamps. Artworks from 11 countries are also displayed.
As we ring out the old year and ring in the new in this season of vitality, let us bid farewell to the Rat and say hello to the Ox with “Happy New Year of the Ox: Virtual Exhibition of Chinese Zodiac Design”. We wish you all the best in the coming year of the Ox!

      20:00-20:25  《大河之源》——原创民族舞剧【直播及短视频展播】
      National Dance Drama Follow The Mother

      The national dance drama "Follow The Mother River" was created and produced by Qinghai Performing Arts Group Co., Ltd..
Starting from the story of the ecological environment protection in the source area of the Yellow River, the play shows the harmonious coexistence of local people and nature. The director shows the richness and variety of the Yellow River culture through multi-media dance design, shapes the life scene of all living beings through the use of multi-ethnic dance language, and praises the moving poem of multi-ethnic people's unity to create a better future through epic music creation.
The complete plot video is edited by the director team, which not only ensures the outstanding display of stage characteristics, but also increases the use of movie "montage" special effects, which is more suitable for online communication. I believe it will leave a deep impression on audiences from all over the world.
      This is a story that happened at the source of the Yellow River in China. During the journey to exploring the civilization of the river source. "I", a tourist from coastal areas, got acquainted with Tashi, a local Tibetan herdsman, and his mountain patrolling friends, as well as his beautiful daughter Drolma.
      On my journey, I saw the painted pottery that recorded the earliest dance in China, the girls carrying the star water in the morning, the magnificent waterfall and the grand scenes of the river source where "a river of clear water flows eastward". Here I got to know the local people who are simple, kind and brave and they have been watching the holy mountains, holy water, holy music and holy spirit all the year round.
      Be grateful for the guarding the source of rivers, Always!

      10:00  新春拜年视频彩铃
      Season’s Greeting of Video CRBT

      2021年“欢乐春节”期间,中外文化交流中心与中国电信合作策划制作“新春拜年视频彩铃”活动,将通过拜年彩铃、家的记忆、暖心萌宠、美景在线等四个主题以“微视频 送祝福”的方式向全球推送,并策动拜年动视频彩铃(微视频)的广泛人际传播。该小程序分为5G视频彩铃版和系列微视频版,各有视频彩铃(微视频)22个,中国电信用户可以通过上面的按钮,直接下载成为视频彩铃用户。在没有中国电信5G网络覆盖的地区或非中国电信的用户,可使用微视频进行网络传播,不受网络限制。此外,每段视频还附有春节祝福,并用中、英、法、德、意、俄、西、韩、日、蒙、阿、印、柬、越、老等15种语言可供选择。
      During the "Happy Chinese New Year" in 2021, Network of International Culturalink Entities and China Telecom jointly plan and produce "Season’s Greetings of Video CRBT" activity, which will be spread to the whole world in the form of "micro video to send blessings" through the four themes of new year CRBT, Season’s Greetings, Memory of Home, Warm-hearted Pets, and Beautiful Scenery Online. The H5 program is divided into 5G video CRBT version and Series of micro video version, each with 22 pieces of micro video chips. China Telecom users can directly download the above via appropriate button to become video CRBT users. In areas without China Telecom 5G network coverage or non China Telecom users, micro video can be used for network transmission without any restrictions. In addition, each video is also accompanied with Spring Festival Blessings, which can be selected in 15 languages including Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Mongolian, Arabic, Indian, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Lao.

      (2)彩铃(CRBT)是“个性化多彩回铃音业务”(Coloring Ring Back Tone)的简称,它是一项由被叫客户为呼叫自己移动电话的其他主叫客户设定特殊音效(音乐、歌曲、故事情节、人物对话)的回铃音的业务。5G时代视频彩铃业务开通后,主叫客户在拨打该用户手机等待接通的时候,听到的就不再只是音乐,而是为主叫客户提供一段声情并茂的视频。善解人意的视频彩铃业务,可以充分展现文化和旅游的独特个性与品位,让简单的通讯过程充满乐趣。

      Beautiful China
      A Feast of Folk Spring Festival Galas


      To learn the new year traditions, to taste the cuisines, and to watch the operas. In the vast and beautiful China, the most representative festival is the Spring Festival. The most distinctive traditions of the Spring Festival can be found in the beautiful countryside of the new era.During the 2021 Happy Chinese New Year, the Network of International Cultural Entities (NICE) and the National Public Cultural Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism co-produced the “Beautiful China: A Feast of Folk Spring Festival Galas” short videos. The program selects the video clips of folk traditions, Spring Festival cuisines and Spring Festival galas in the countryside that people in places like Liaoning, Shanxi, Fujian, Sichuan and Zhejiang provinces have enjoyed for years, to show the life of peace and joy in a true and simple style, to convey the good wishes of the Chinese people for life during blessing and gathering.
      18:00-18:45 《弦音兆丰年》——新春祝福交响音乐会【直播及短视频展播】
      Chords of the New Year
      Spring Festival Symphony Orchestra Concert

      The Chords of the New Year·Spring Festival Symphony Concert is divided into three segments: Spring Festival Overture, the Chinese Sights and Sounds suite, and classical Western pieces, comprising eight instrumentals based on traditional Chinese folksongs and two classical Western pieces. The concert will last approximately 60 minutes. The concert was specially organized for the Happy Chinese New Year event. Its traditional Chinese instrumentals match the strong atmosphere of the Spring Festival, presenting the fine traditional Chinese culture and the characteristics of ethnic regions. These form a seamless fusion with two familiar Western classics that complement Chinese folksongs, presenting a Spring Festival event that brings different cultures together.Folksongs are important cultural symbols that are orally transmitted by all ethnic groups around the world, as well as the source of all human musical activities. Chinese folksongs can be generally divided into four types: mountain songs, “little tunes”, work songs known as haozi, and narrative songs. Once upon a time, these folksongs accompanied the weddings, funerals, host etiquette protocols, agricultural activities, and emotions of ancient Chinese. They are artistic expressions of life, incorporeal records with profound cultural significance, and historical heritage with independent value in their own right. Folksongs have complemented and co-existed with ancient Chinese folk customs, becoming a unique form of Chinese musical heritage. 



