国际友人迎接建党100周年: 海外一生的两篇小故事!

来源: 作者:小编 点击: 发布时间:2021-06-06 14:30:23

2021年5月27日至6月9日,为筹备中国共产党建100周年活动,商务部国际商务官员培训学院(AIBO)在学院总部进行了几次团队排练。 AIBO院长参与演出,并持续给予关注与支持。由于这种活动机会难得,因此中国石油大学(北京)和商务部国际商务官员研修学院的人员代表经常在线交流练习,包括练习中阿结合风格的书法。






Welcoming the 100th Anniversary of the CCP Foundation:

Two Overseas “Lifetime Education” Short Stories!

From the morning of May 27 to June 9, 2021, in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the China Communist Party (CCP), the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) of the Ministry of Commerce conducted the first team rehearsals at the headquarters of the Institute. The AIBO deputy dean of the academy participated in the performance and continued to give attention and support. Due to this special kind of multinational activity, representatives from China University of Petroleum-Beijing and AIBO often exchange views using many means of communication, such as online and practicing Chinese Arabic calligraphy on the stage.

During the rehearsals, the team members, colleagues, and friends were trying to provide support and attention for the event; they all worked together to make the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CCP a perfect success.

 Besides, there were two stories to tell. One of them happened at a time when international training in China has been suspended temporarily since COVID-19. However, none of the overseas students in China have been infected, and many experts have successfully returned home. Various COVID-19 epidemic prevention measures have been officially launched! China’s foreign aid program administration actively responded to the outbreak! AIBO's officials participated in the cultural show held in June to welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. For this purpose, a stage drama has been arranged in which an overseas trainee is required to play a role. The role was about that overseas trainee who, once upon a time, participated in a training program in China and who also utilized the learned knowledge in China to lead his local community after returning home. He also had deep feelings. At the end of the story, he expressed the purpose of visiting China the second time, which was only to see his Chinese teacher, who had helped him a lot and expressed his love for the friendship ties between the two countries.

Another story is about the only overseas friend of the Sino-Arab team from Africa who started his study program at the China University of Petroleum-Beijing in 2000, the place where he met his first Chinese calligraphy teacher. It was his first time taking a Chinese calligraphy course. During his studies, the teacher helped him realize his dream of “blending calligraphy" as a lifetime hobby. Later, they stay for more than 20 years in the capital of China, communicating with each other, learning hand-in-hand, and practicing calligraphy! It turns out that, in the Online and Continuing Education School of the China University of Petroleum-Beijing and the AIBO, the relationship between experts, professors, trainers, and trainees has always been "hand-in-hand teaching," "face-to-face learning," oral teaching, heart-to-heart learning, and intimate! Likewise, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there seemed to be many such stories in education and training!

The two sample stories highlighted the hope for people worldwide to work hard and have lasting friendships. Team up to make one common destiny for mankind, paving the way for sustainably successful cooperation!





















