
来源: 作者:编辑 点击: 发布时间:2013-01-25 11:35:32

“校花”的英文说法最常见的有school babe和campus belle两种。

Babe is a word used to address a young woman, or your wife, husband or lover, usually expressing affection but sometimes considered offensive if used by a man to a woman he does not know. Now many people use it to refer to an attractive young woman, for example: she is really a babe.


French word "belle" means beautiful woman, hence, campus belle is the most beautiful girl in the school.

Belle是个法语词,意思是“美丽的女人”,那么campus belle也就是学校里最美丽的女子(即“校花”)了。

“校草”的英文表达呼声最高的当属school hunk了。

Hunk is a slang term for a sexually appealing man, a person who is sexually attractive or a well-muscled, sexualized man.




