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发布时间:2018-02-26 11:23:17
中国国际教育电视台讯:2018年1月28日至2月12日,中国石油大学北京 (CUPB) 代表团来到伊拉克石油部(MoO)培训和发展局进行为期两周的参观、考察,伊方表示热烈欢迎并积极协调、安排代表团的相关时间日程。
据了解,中伊双方基于此前在伊拉克共和国驻北京大使馆的深入沟通, 在CUPB 国际高级培训专家Wang Wenchao先生和Yasir Mukhtar博士共同努力下于伊拉克巴格达石油部 (MoO) 的主楼开始了这个历史性的访问。本次访问的参与者还包括部分伊拉克石油公司、巴格达、巴士拉和Missan的一些大学和相关技术培训中心。
The Training & Development Directorate in Iraqi Ministry of Oil (MoO) warmly welcomed a delegation from China University of Petroleum-Beijing (CUPB) and effectively coordinated a two-week visiting schedule, Jan 28 to Feb 12, 2018.
According to a thorough communication between the two sides through the embassy of republic of Iraq in Beijing, the CUPB international high level training experts, Mr. Wang Wenchao and Dr. Yasir Mukhtar, started this comprehensive historical visit in the MoO ministry main building in Baghdad. Also, the visit included some Iraqis oil companies, few universities and technical training centers in Baghdad, Basra and Missan.
During the visit, the Iraqi’s side not only recognized closely CUPB as a leading university in petroleum industry worldwide, but also willing to have the university to play an essential role in Iraqizition policy to develop the human resources within the oil/Gas industry. Moreover, to provide professional training services and global solutions, the two sides built a common ground to cooperate in establishment of joint training centers in major cities of Iraq which can be started by sending CUPB professors and training experts to Iraq.
In addition to on-job short training courses, MoO asked CUPB to pave ways for more scholarship opportunities in B.Sc, M.Sc or PhD levels to Iraqi candidates in different majors after they get the appropriate HSK or IELTS training preparations and qualifications.
The Iraqi oil companies expressed their appreciation of the successful high quality training programs which previously provided by CUPB to their employees. Consequently, a memorandum of understanding was recommended to strengthen relations in training and education between both sides during 2018.
在访问期间, 伊拉克方面不仅称赞CUPB 是世界石油工业方面的领先学府, 而且对中国石油大学在伊拉克培育出更多开发石油、天然气过程中需要的相关技术人才表达了强烈的意愿。此外,在访问过程中双方就专业培训服务问题的全球解决方案方面, 具有共同的诉求。双方将在伊拉克各大城市建立联合培训中心, 由CUPB派遣相关领域的教授和培训专家到伊拉克开展合作。
除了针对在职员工的短期培训课程外, MoO 还为正在准备HSK或雅思等考试的伊拉克学生群体,向CUPB申请更多的本科、硕士的奖学金名额。
伊拉克石油公司对 CUPB 以往为其雇员提供的高品质培训课程给予了高度认可并表示感谢,建议双方在2018年深化合作、加强在培训及教育方面的联系。
伊拉克石油公司对 CUPB 以往为其雇员提供的高品质培训课程给予了高度认可并表示感谢,建议双方在2018年深化合作、加强在培训及教育方面的联系。
China-Iraq New Move in Petroleum Industry Training & Education
The Training & Development Directorate in Iraqi Ministry of Oil (MoO) warmly welcomed a delegation from China University of Petroleum-Beijing (CUPB) and effectively coordinated a two-week visiting schedule, Jan 28 to Feb 12, 2018.
According to a thorough communication between the two sides through the embassy of republic of Iraq in Beijing, the CUPB international high level training experts, Mr. Wang Wenchao and Dr. Yasir Mukhtar, started this comprehensive historical visit in the MoO ministry main building in Baghdad. Also, the visit included some Iraqis oil companies, few universities and technical training centers in Baghdad, Basra and Missan.
During the visit, the Iraqi’s side not only recognized closely CUPB as a leading university in petroleum industry worldwide, but also willing to have the university to play an essential role in Iraqizition policy to develop the human resources within the oil/Gas industry. Moreover, to provide professional training services and global solutions, the two sides built a common ground to cooperate in establishment of joint training centers in major cities of Iraq which can be started by sending CUPB professors and training experts to Iraq.
In addition to on-job short training courses, MoO asked CUPB to pave ways for more scholarship opportunities in B.Sc, M.Sc or PhD levels to Iraqi candidates in different majors after they get the appropriate HSK or IELTS training preparations and qualifications.
The Iraqi oil companies expressed their appreciation of the successful high quality training programs which previously provided by CUPB to their employees. Consequently, a memorandum of understanding was recommended to strengthen relations in training and education between both sides during 2018.
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