双语:凉爽度夏贴士 助你享受这个美好季节
双语:凉爽度夏贴士 助你享受这个美好季节
Try our health experts' tips for feeling great this season.
Don't read while you eat.吃东西时,专享吃的快乐
No watching TV either, or playing on your iPad, or doing anything that diverts attention from your dish — staying focused may help curb calories. Researchers at the University of Liverpool analyzed two dozen previous studies of normal-weight people and found those whose who ate while distracted not only consumed more of the food in front of them, but even more of a later meal. Attentive eating could play a role in weight loss and maintenance. Of course, what you eat takes center stage: Choose fruits, vegetables and lean proteins; opt for low-fat dairy and whole-grain products; up your fiber intake; limit sugar; and drink lots of water.
不要看电视或玩IPAD的时候吃东西,因为吃饭的时候做其它任何事情都会转移你的注意力 – 注意力保持集中,这样有可能有助于遏制卡路里。利物浦大学的研究人员分析了以前的研究,结果表明二十几位体重正常的人如果他们之间有吃饭分心的人,他们不仅会吃掉面前更多的食物,而且之后会有加餐现象。专心进食对于减肥或保持体形来说非常重要。当然,吃什么食物最为关键:选择水果,蔬菜和低蛋白;选择低脂肪奶制品和全谷物食品;提高你的纤维摄入量;限制糖,并且大量喝水。
Use your body as weights.利用身体做锻炼
No need for high-tech gym equipment to get into shorts-and-tank-top shape: Push-ups, planks, lunges and other exercises that use your body as resistance work just as well, and they’re more popular than ever. This back-to-basics approach to muscle-strengthening emerged as a top fitness trend for 2013, according to a survey from the American College of Sports Medicine.
Body weight training doesn’t cost a dime, requires little or no gear, and can be done anywhere. Do it two or three times a week to tone muscles and help your body burn calories better; combine it with a regular cardio routine to boost energy and shed extra pounds. Talk to your doctor before starting any new workout routine; it’s also a good idea to try a class or see a personal trainer to learn new bodyweight training moves and make sure you’re using proper form.
Stock up on watermelon.多吃西瓜,储存能量
It’s a favorite hot-weather snack among nutrition experts, and for many good reasons: The refreshing fruit is 92% water (so it helps you stay hydrated) and it’s packed with lycopene, an antioxidant that may help reduce risk of certain cancers.
Research suggests that when lycopene is combined with other carotenoids (like beta-carotene, and vitamins C and E), it may help protect against sunburn. Watermelon is also an excellent source of vitamin C (which boosts the immune system), vitamin A (good for eye health). A recent study suggests another of its compounds may promote heart health.
Know the signs of overheating.了解过热迹象
Warm weather draws everyone — from kids to adults, casual walkers to extreme sporters — outdoors for some fun in the sun, but staying in too-hot weather for too long raises your risk of heat-related illness. Muscle cramps or profuse sweating may be an early indicator; nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, weakness and cold, clammy skin are all signs of heat exhaustion. If you have any of these symptoms, move to a cooler spot, lie down and loosen your clothing, sip water and, if possible, apply cool, wet cloths to your body. Ignore the signs, and it may progress to heat stroke, a condition that occurs when your body temperature is greater than 104 degrees, resulting in hot, red skin, extreme confusion, irrational behavior and possible unconsciousness. Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention.
暑天不适,早作调整温暖的天气吸引每一个人 - 从小孩到成人,休闲步行者或极限运动者 –去户外享受阳光下的乐趣,但在过热的天气下待得太久会提高热相关疾病的风险。肌肉痉挛或大量出汗可能就是一个早期症状,恶心,呕吐,头痛,头晕,乏力和发冷,皮肤湿冷这都是中暑的迹象。如果你有这些症状的话,待到凉爽一些的地方,躺下并解开衣服,喝点水,并且如果可能的话,可将凉爽的湿布敷上身体。无视这些迹象的话,可能会使中暑加重,体温高于104度时,会发生皮肤红热,神志不清,非理性行为,并有可能休克。中暑有可能危及生命,发生时需立即就医。
Shower before pool-swimming.泳池游泳之前淋浴
That’s right — before. The reason: to help keep disease-causing germs out of the water. A recent CDC report suggests one in three people think chlorine kills all germs instantly, but that’s not the case — some survive for days, even in well-maintained pools. Crypto (short for cryptosporidium) is one of those resilient germs — it’s the leading cause of swimming pool-related outbreaks of diarrhea, with reported cases on the rise, and swallowing just a littlecontaminated water can get you sick.
先来个淋浴,再跳进泳池畅游对,是该先来个淋浴,原因是:不把导致疾病的细菌带进水里。最近一项的CDC报告表明,有三分之一的人认为氯会瞬间杀死所有细菌,但情况并非如此 - 有些细菌会在维护良好的泳池存活数天。隐孢子虫(隐孢子虫的简称)是一种弹性病菌 – 它是造成游泳池相关腹泻疾病暴发的主要原因,吞咽一点点被污染的水就可以让你生病,并且相关案例呈上升趋势。
Rinsing off before diving in is one way to helps prevent the spread of germs; it’s also smart to take young kids on bathroom breaks and check diapers often, avoid getting pool water in your mouth, and skip the pool entirely if you have diarrhea. You can’t know for sure if a public pool is contaminated, but a strong chemical smell is not necessarily a good sign: Well-chlorinated pools have little or no odor, a potent smell indicates a maintenance problem. The water should also be clear enough for you to see the pool floor and the sides should not be sticky or slimy.
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