本次会议已通过腾讯直播、油气管道微课堂和石油圈视频号面向全球直播。 大会以“创新氢能源技术,助力氢能源产业安全升级”为主题,设置大会特邀报告、氢储运、氢输送安全与加氢场站专场、氢能装备技术及材料专场以及学生技术交流专场,围绕石油天然气管道安全与氢能源产业发展现状及趋势、基础理论、科研教学、技术研究、技术应用、工程服务等方面展开交流。中国工程院院士孙丽丽、中国科学院院士徐春明、加拿大皇家科学院院士程玉峰、欧盟院士孙金华等40余位专家学者作了大会特邀报告。在学生技术交流专场,来自中国石油大学(北京)、东北石油大学、常州大学等高校的数十名学生进行了汇报交流。
The 15th Hydrogen Energy Storage and Transportation International Conference Attracted Many Overseas Experts
From August 29th to 31st, the 15th International Conference on Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipeline Safety (Hydrogen Energy Storage and Transportation) and the Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Conference lasted for 2 days, and on August 29th, the participants reported all day at Cuigong, China University of Petroleum (Beijing); the conference was jointly organized by the Beijing Petroleum Society, the China Association for Public Safety, and the China University of Petroleum-Beijing. The conference was jointly undertaken by the Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Production Safety and Emergency Technology, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and the Pipeline Technology and Safety Research Center of China the University of Petroleum-Beijing, and all conference agendas were successfully completed.
The academician Suping Peng, the CAE Member, and chairman of the Public Security Science and Technology Association; Lili Sun, chairman of the CAE Member, and chairman of the Beijing Petroleum Society; Yan Jin, vice president of the China University of Petroleum-Beijing, attended the conference first session and delivered speeches. Also, Chunming Xu, academician of the CAS Member; Yang Li, academician of the CAE Member; Sun Jinhua, academician of the European Academy of Sciences; Yufeng Cheng, academician of the Royal Canadian Academy of Sciences; Rongxing Jiang, secretary-general of the Beijing Petroleum Society, and others from China. More than 300 guests, including experts, scholars, business representatives, university staff, researchers, and students from countries such as Canada, the UK, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Sudan, etc., participated in the meeting. Prof. Shaohua Dong, the Executive Chairman of the conference, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, presided over the opening ceremony.
Through Tencent Live, Oil and Gas Pipeline Micro Classroom, and Oil Circle Video accounts, this conference has been aired worldwide. "Innovating hydrogen energy technology and promoting the safety levels of the hydrogen energy industry" was the conference's central focus. More than 40 experts and academics gave special reports, including Lili Sun of the CAE Member; Chunming Xu of the CAS Member; Cheng Yufeng of the Royal Society of Canada; and Jinhua Sun of the European Union. Dozens of students from universities like China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Northeast University of Petroleum, and Changzhou University gave presentations and engaged in discussions during the student technical exchange session.
Many of the overseas presentations were shown, including educational research conducted by Prof. Izharul Haq, the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU), founder of the International Journals of Emerging Multi-disciplinaries (the Publishing House International (PHI)), who reported the topic of "A novel teaching and learning enhancement system based on automation, real-time feedback, and Artificial Intelligence", and proposed a promising educational application called “SparkAI” that uses predictive analysis unlike current Learning Management Systems (LMS). Dr. Syaza Izyanni Ahmad from UTP of Petronas Malaysia introduced research entitled “Inherent Safety and Health Assessment of Hydrogen Storage Process”and emphasized that the developed scoring method can evaluate the inherent safety and health level of materials used in hydrogen storage. She recommended that the offset toward hazards need to be considered for future risk assessment. Another topic concerning risk assessment and safety issues entitled " Special safety challenges in hydrogen storage and transportation" was presented by Dr. Yasir Mukhtar, Sudan University of Science and Technology, who assured that before joining the hydrogen economy (HE), organizations need to conduct an individual risk assessment.
Likewise, Prof. Falih from the University of Baghdad and Ali Kareem from PetroChina International Iraq FZE Iraq Branch presented a research paper entitled “Experimental Study to Investigate the Effect of Polyacrylamide Gel to Reduce the Lost Circulation.” The second paper from Iraq was on “Real-time Remote Monitoring and Control for Underground Pipelines”, by Prof. Ali Ahmed Abed, Department of Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Basra/Iraq.
Also, Dr. Abuobeida Farah, a computer programmer at the Northcentral University USA, dazzled the audience with a keynote presentation on the latest uses of the Internet of Things (IoT) and provided answers to the question “How does the IoT Overcome the Energy Challenges facing the lives of Urban Dwellers?”, whereas Prof. Pieter H. Anborgh who is from Fanshawe College, London, Ontario, Canada supervised research about the “Biological Production of Hydrogen Gas and Supporting Technology,” which presented by his student Hiba A. Babiker summarized the challenges concerning the genetic modifications diverting metabolic processes away from the formation of undesirable by-products and the importance of the Scale-up to industrial production of biohydrogen.
Additionally, a topic of interest to hydrogen transportation was presented by the young research engineer Mohammed Aman, and supervised by Elhassan Mostafa from UCSI University. They concluded that the prospect of transporting hydrogen via currently operating or new pipelines shows great promise, but must consider the newly begotten risks and new optimum operating conditions; where the application of polymer-based coating solutions is a promising prospect that must be further investigated, and with that being said operating hydrogen pipelines is yet to mature.
Finally, after more than three months of intense preparation, all preparatory work has been completed. The purpose of this conference was to further promote the healthy development of the hydrogen energy industry and promote technological innovation in the theory and application of hydrogen energy storage and transportation and the development of the hydrogen energy industry by domestic and foreign researchers.
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