碳达峰、碳中和背景下, 氢能作为一种清洁可再生能源正在被逐步推广使用, 而安全问题至关重要;鉴此, 11月24日至25日,第十四届石油天然气管道安全(氢能储运)国际会议暨氢能源产业发展大会历时2天,在公共安全科学技术学会、北京石油学会、中国石油大学(北京)、中国石油勘探开发研究院新能源研究中心等多个单位主办、协办、承办下,在全体与会人员的大力支持下,按计划圆满地完成了全部会议议程。会议得到了彭苏萍院士、张来斌院士、程玉峰院士、白勇院士、徐春明院士等大力支持,学术规格高、关注度高。本次会议通过腾讯会议、腾讯直播、油气管道微课堂和石油圈视频号面向全球直播,总观看人数过万人,其中主会场、分会场参会人数达到1500余人,各直播观看人数达到8500余人次。出席本次大会的人员既有中石油、中石化、中海油、国家管网等油气生产及管输领域的代表,又有氢能“制-储-输-用”产业链的制造供应商和技术服务人员。既有来自美国、加拿大、英国、马来西亚、伊拉克、土耳其、苏丹等“一带一路”国家的技术专家,又有来自国内高等院校、专业研究机构、大专院校的代表。本次会议设置了大会特邀报告、氢储运、氢输送安全与加氢场站专场、氢能装备技术及材料专场、氢能装备监测与检测专场和学生技术交流专场,共邀请10位行业顶级专家学者担任分会场执行主席。共有44位专家、学者(海外专家13人),以“创新氢能源技术 助力氢能源产业安全升级”为主题,围绕“政策、资源与市场”、“氢能源产业链工艺技术”、“工程项目设计、建造技术”、“氢储运、氢输送安全与加氢场站”、“氢能装备技术及材料”等多个技术展开交流。学生分会场经反复酝酿,由评审组认真审议,评选出优秀学生论文14篇。它从一个方面代表了近年来氢能领域中青年工作者的成长与成就,说明了本专业中人才济济,后继有人,也展示了我们专业的希望与未来。24日上午,由执行主席中国石油大学(北京)董绍华教授、北京科技大学张雷教授共同主持大会开幕式。特邀中国石油大学(北京)张来斌院士、北京石油学会蒋荣兴秘书长为大会开幕致辞。
The 2022 China International Hydrogen Conference Attracts Overseas Experts
According to the conference theme “The Role of Innovative Hydrogen Energy Technology in Raising Safety in the Hydrogen Energy Industry" and on the background of peak carbon and carbon neutrality, the global trend of hydrogen energy has gradually increased, and its use as clean and renewable energy, safety, transportation, and storage is rapidly growing. A few months ago, the Society for Public Security Science and Technology, Beijing Petroleum Society, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), New Energy Research Center of China Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute, and with the strong support of all participants, collectively cooperated to co-sponsor and undertake the " 14th oil and gas pipeline safety (hydrogen energy storage and transportation) International Conference and hydrogen energy industry development conference” in Beijing from 24-25 November 2022. The agenda of the conference was completed as planned, and it was strongly supported by the famous Chinese academicians Peng Suping, Zhang Laibin, Cheng Yufeng, Bai Yong, and Xu Chunming, with high academic standards and high attention.
Dozens of researchers and those interested in safety and new energy transportation and storage issues from around the world were invited, as more than 44 overseas and Chinese researchers and students (including 10 industry professionals and 13 overseas experts) were invited. The conference held all of its sessions online, via the Chinese "Tencent Meeting" application, live broadcasting arrangements, "image and audio" participation via the WeChat application, a video account of the oil and gas pipeline, and the China University of Petroleum network platform.
The expert and student conference sessions were frequently packed with more than a few hundred people. The total cumulative number of viewers of the live and offline broadcasts exceeded 10,000, with more than 1,500 people attending the main venue and branch venues and more than 8,500 viewers watching each live broadcast.
The list of foreign participants included the following institutions: European Union Academy of Sciences, Canadian University of Calgary, Texas A&M University, Sudan Khartoum Refinery Company-Beijing Office (KRC), Northcentral University USA, AT&T Corporation, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST), the International Journals of Emerging Multi-disciplinaries (IJEMD), the King Muhammad Bin Fahd University of Saudi Arabia, Petronas University of Technology Malaysia (UTP), and the University of Baghdad In partnership with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, the University of Basra (Iraq) Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, the Malaysian UCSI University, the ECAM-EPMI French Higher School of Electrical Engineering, the Turkey International Vocational Training Center in collaboration with Global Village Turkish Company, and other international institutions.
Some of the overseas presentations included research conducted by Cheng Yufeng, an academician at the University of Calgary and the European Academy of Sciences. he gave a report titled "Evaluation of the Adaptability of Existing Natural Gas Pipelines for Hydrogen Transport". Professor Izharul Haq of the International Journals of Emerging Multidisciplinaries (IJEMD) reported on the topic of "Innovating new energy and its security features." He proposed that the future renewable energy system can rely on the power generation of the leafless wind turbine to improve the overall efficiency of the system. Also, according to the post-evaluation by the committee, the participation of the Khartoum Refinery with the presentation of the hydrogen extracting process engineer Hussein Mahmoud was appreciated because of its focus on the core topics of the conference; it targeted promising projects for investors in the field of hydrogen energy available according to the Khartoum refinery development plans; and it held a scientific balance between production and consumption in light of the energy global challenges and crisis at present, which is of great reference significance for relevant enterprises in China and abroad. Likewise, Dr. Abuobeida Farah, a computer programmer at Northcentral University USA, dazzled the audience with a keynote presentation on the latest uses of the “internet of things," whereas professor Faisal Irshad Khan, who is from Texas A&M University, talked about the “current understanding of hydrogen Pipeline safety." He pointed out the hazards of hydrogen based on the unique properties of hydrogen, summarized several challenges of pipeline transportation of hydrogen, and further elaborated on the mechanism of hydrogen damage. Another topic of global interest was "Applications of Hydrogen Energy Production Technology to Achieve a Low Carbon Economy with Net Zero Emissions," which was presented by Dr. Yasir Mukhtar from the China University of Petroleum. Also, a double contribution was brought to this conference from UTP of Petronas Malaysia, the first one entitled “Safety Consideration for Hydrogen Storage and Transportation” by Dr. Syaza Izyanni Ahmad, who introduced the safety-related problems in the process of hydrogen storage and transportation, analyzed the risks caused by various risk factors such as hydrogen leakage, flammability, and hydrogen brittleness, and established an evaluation model for data collection and pressure analysis, which provides a good reference for future related research. The second paper from UTP was on the modeling of computational fluid dynamics shown by Abdullah Abdul-Jabbar. On the other hand, after repeated deliberation and careful consideration by the conference review team, 14 outstanding student papers were selected in the student venue. Additionally, the students’ sessions were exciting by Afaq Abdelgadir, a young French engineering student, who gave a wonderful summary of her research entitled "New Energy and the Smart Cities of the Future," followed by the topic of “Pipeline hydrogen adaptive precautions, “which was presented by the students Mohammed Aman, Akumuhammet Mammatjanov, and supervisor Elhassan Mostafa from UCSI University.
Finally, the closing ceremony ended with a precise speech by the general secretary of the conference, professor Dong Shaohua, who expressed sincere appreciation to the experts, the executive chairman of the conference, and the staff for their dedication and seriousness and highlighted some interesting points for the future development of the conference.
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