Moroccan Tourism Director: “A lot of similarities”

来源: 作者:Emmi Laine 点击: 发布时间:2016-05-17 13:20:03

May 13, 2016


Mr. Abderrafie Zouiten, Director General of Tourism Bureau in Morocco visited the opening of Morocco and China Similarities — A Thousand Years of Cultural Exchanges photo exhibition at Prince Gong’s Mansion in Beijing and gave an interview to CECTV. The topics covered cultural crossings and the future prospects of China-Morocco relations.


After seeing this exhibition, what kind of similarities are you seeing in the Chinese and the Moroccan cultures?


Mr. Abderrafie Zouiten: “There are a lot of cultural similarities. For example the tea ceremony, architecturally the gates at a traditional house, also regarding sculpture, regarding music… I think these kind of events show that it is very important for the Chinese people to discover similarities in other cultures and considering this interest, it is also very easy for the Chinese people to get a visa to Morocco now. This measure is very positive as we are the only Arabic country, and even the only country in Africa to offer visa-free travel (from June 1 onwards this year) and counsel for the Chinese.”


There has been many historical similarities due to the Silk Road. How do you see those similarities evolving in future? What kind of relationship will there be between China and Morocco?


Mr. Abderrafie Zouiten: “There is a strong partnership, particularly with the official state visit of our King Mohammed VI (on May 11-12). It allows a lot of new activity in a lot of sectors: in energy, agriculture, and culture of course, and tourism, and I think it will allow these two countries to become closer. When you see the history and the tradition of these both countries, there are a lot of similarities, and I hope that this new partnership will allow them to develop more. Of course benefitting both Chinese companies and also Moroccan companies.”


What kind of investments does China have in your country?


Mr. Abderrafie Zouiten: “We have investments in a lot of sectors and projects, for example a highway, an airport, but also in the energy sector, and some activities in tourism. I think this partnership will allow a lot to diversify and a lot more joined ventures between the Chinese and the Moroccan companies.”


The King of Morocco Mohammed VI started a two-day state visit in Beijing on May 11 and signed a strategic partnership with President Xi Jinping, which aims to see an increase of communication and exchanges, and closer cooperation in industrial projects, such as building infrastructure for highways, high-speed railways and green industries in Morocco.


Director General Zouiten’s interview was held at an optimistic Sino-Arabic cultural event, where the Chinese Belt&Road Initiative was mentioned.


The historical and aesthetic similarities can be viewed at a published book Morocco and China Similarities — A Thousand Years of Exchanges, following the display of the 4-day photo exhibition in Beijing.  

(责任编辑:Emmi Laine)


